Why Should You Lose Weight? 25 Reason and 23 Benefits.

You should lose weight because being overweight and obese is the primary cause of many serious health diseases in the current world.

Showing a obese man belly and a physically fitted man body and a text why should you lose weight

In this article, we explain the major benefits of losing weight and risk factors associated with overweight and obesity so that you can be conscious of your health and focus on weight loss.

Losing weight is the only prevented measure that you can take to stay healthy

Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Who doesn’t want to be fit? Who doesn’t want to be slim with a perfect look? Who doesn’t want to be in the perfect weight for their age and height? Who doesn’t want to reduce their belly and their pant size?

Oh wait, is weight loss just connected with losing your belly and reducing your pant size?

Come on, you are not doing business here where you are reducing your weight and in turn, the body reduces your pant size!!!

This is nature…. Maintaining body weight is an art. When you reduce your body weight from obese to normal levels, you will start to experience a new dimension of yourself.

One exciting stuff about body weight loss is you can follow any method to lose your weight, be it yoga or workout with weights, or diet, but the benefits remain the same. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you have to engage yourself for a continuous period of time and don’t let yourself refrain from workouts.

Let us see some of the major benefits of losing weight.

1. Bye-Bye to Diabetes

Diabetes complications

If you have overweight, there is a high chance of Type II diabetes. Researches suggest that obese persons are more easily prone to it. When you lose weight you protect yourself against all obesity-related issues.

The liver produces insulin, which is a secretion of the liver. When you gain extra weight than the normal levels, or if you become obese the daily production of insulin becomes too low. As a result, Type II diabetes will be waiting at your doorsteps.

2. Makes You Fresh Through Out the Day

Losing your weight makes you feel light. Your daily routine or workout for losing weight will regulate the blood flow in your body and thus keeps you active throughout the day. The activities pump more Oxygen into body cells and thus making you more and more active.

Moreover, the adrenalin rush that gets pumped when you indulge yourself during a workout proves to be the master key for the entire day’s freshness.

3. Reduces Hair Fall

Hair fall has become a major concern for this generation of people. As mentioned earlier your activities start to regulate blood flow inside your body. Once the blood flow increases in your scalp, the essential nutrients are carried perfectly to the hair roots and they hold strongly.

4. Brightens Skin Tone

When you engage in a weight loss schedule, all the toxins start to get out of your body in the form of sweat. Hence the dust and toxins removal makes your skin shine brightly which others can easily observe. It’s also observed that weight loss is indirectly linked to appearance.

Though there is no proper scientific evidence linking weight loss and skin tone directly, people who have sincerely adhered to a weight loss schedule have experienced tremendous changes in their skin tone.

5. Lose Weight – Get Rid of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a condition where a person experiences a pause in breathing while sleeping. This might be due to the inflammation of the neck portion.

Losing weight will reduce the size of the neck and thereby provides ease in breathing. Hence your intake of more air without any hindrance thereby getting an ample amount of oxygen to the lungs. When more quantity of oxygen dissolves in the blood, you will get a more peaceful and deep sleep.

6. Organised and Disciplined

When you get into weight losing schedule, you will adjust yourself to a perfect schedule in everything and you start following a disciplined routine in everything not just in the workout. What else do you need when you take yourself as a perfectionist!!!

Moreover, it’s a very well-known fact that weight loss is not just a or two days program and it’s a big process. Hence you will automatically fit yourself into a perfect schedule.

To speak more elaborately, you should not stop your schedule once you achieve the desired weight!! You have to be even stricter to maintain it.

7. You Will Sweat Less

When you are obese, the fat in your body will insulate you and increases the body base temperature. This causes uneasy sweating and may make you embarrassed. When you start shredding the fats, you tend to sweat very less naturally.

Sweating more is a common problem for many these days and the treatment for this takes a long time and costs high with control of diet. Why waste money if you can work out for a few minutes a day and a few hours a week and reduce your weight and sweat naturally?

8. Forget Medicines


Why do you need to try the medicines when you are already fit? Obesity is the root cause of several body-related diseases. Hence when you start the weight loss schedule, you don’t need to worry about the cost of medicines that is likely to occur due to obesity.

Do you know something? These days, the highest expenditure on medicine is accounted for treating those problems that arise due to obesity!!! It’s a well-known fact that obesity is directly or indirectly the root cause of almost all the major modern-day diseases.

9. Allergy- No More

Research has shown that obese people can easily develop allergic symptoms from small dust to medicines. The fat consumes all the healing immunity in your body and naturally, you will be prone to allergies.

The antigens and antibody reaction slows down when you are too much overweighted or obese. Hence the fat which provides the insulating layer and which consumes the major chunk of energy must be reduced, or else the body will be prone to a weaker immune system.

10. Relief to Respiratory Issues

An increase in your body weight adds strain to your respiratory system. People can experience breathing problems when the fat level increases and aggravate symptoms. Shred your fat and breath freely.

11. Reduce Pressure on Lower Body

Excess weight adds a huge pressure on your lower body, especially your legs. The legs have to carry the entire weight of the body and added pressure might result in leg pain and back pain simultaneously.

The extra weight of the body not only affects the muscles of the lower body (you will be prone to muscle cramps) but also affects the Bone joints too.

12. No Worries on Osteoarthritis

Excess weight and fat destroy the calcium content in the body leading to the deterioration of bones. Reduce your weight and save your bones from problems like Osteoarthritis and joint stiffness.

Once the bone joints or the muscle ligaments in the legs are affected, it either causes severe crushing leg pain or sometimes it even leads to a condition that might impair your walking abilities.

13. Back Pain Go Away

Obesity directly causes back pain, this is due to added weight and pressure in the lower back due to fat accumulation in those areas. Once you start losing weight, the pressure in the lower back reduces thereby relieving yourself from back pain.

Usually, we would see people using a small cushion to support their back in the office room while sitting. Why try that stuff if you could control your back pain by just doing a small workout for a couple of minutes daily and a couple of hours weekly?

14. Improves Memory

lose weight help to improve memory

Some researchers have revealed shocking results that the higher the BMI of the body, the higher the chance for Alzheimer’s disease!!! Losing weight helps in reversing memory issues and people have shown good improvements in cognitive tests.

Remember that though there is not a perfect scientific backing for this, still, the results have spoken well so far.

15. A Check on Heart Disease

Once you start losing weight, your low-density lipoprotein will start reducing and thereby the body starts to eliminate the bad cholesterol from your body, and hence the greatest risk of heart disease gets eliminated.

16. Fresh Skin

The lower the body weight, the higher will be the rate of regeneration of the top layers of skin cells. The old cells or the dead cells will be continuously removed and will be replenished by new cells simultaneously and hence your skin glow will be as much as fresh as rose!!!

17. Better Sleep

women girl sleeping

It’s a common fact that those who are obese have a problem of not getting proper sleep. They either can’t sleep as soon as they go to bed or they can’t have a deep sleep. On the other hand, those who have maintained their body weight tend to have a more peaceful sleep.

18. Body Cycle

Once you have to shred your fats, the body cycle tends to restore itself, and the most important thing you can maintain and control your body cycle. The extra fat utilizes more energy from your body thereby disrupting the body cycle.

Once you have to lose weight, the body cycle tends to restore itself, and the most important thing you can maintain and control your body cycle. The extra fat utilizes more energy from your body thereby disrupting the body cycle.

19. Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer

Researchers have found that being overweight is also the major cause of some types of cancer. Especially women, the chances of breast cancer are very high in obese women. Less weight doesn’t give enough scope for the cancer cells to develop.

20. Save Yourself From Stroke

Being overweight results in the accumulation of bad cholesterol in your body. The lesser effort you take in reducing the weight, the higher the chances of stroke as the cholesterol doesn’t burn.

This bad cholesterol tends to reduce the diameter of the blood vessels and hence the free flow of blood gets hampered which eventually results in higher blood pressure and sometimes even stroke.

When the blood flow in the blood vessels which reaches the heart gets blocked, it might lead to a heart attack, but when it affects the blood vessels which supply blood to the brain, it might lead to stroke.

21. Better Hormonal Balance

Once you are overweight, the secretion of the hormones in your body will lose flow. The imbalance in hormone secretion might lead to various other problems in the body. At the same time reducing the weight will make a smooth secretion of necessary hormones.

22. Reduced Blood Pressure

wearing bp instrument on hand

Reducing the body weight reduces the extra fat stored in your body and hence the blockages in blood flow get removed. The blood circulation increases throughout the body in a uniform manner, thereby reducing blood pressure.

23. Improved Mobility

Losing weight makes you feel light and doesn’t add your body pressure to any activity you indulge in. Hence you can make yourself fit and make your mobility easier.

What else you are thinking? Calculate your BMI, get to know the optimum weight for your age and height, and start moving towards it.

The fact is that your weight doesn’t reduce overnight. It is a long-term process. Also, remember that mere workouts with high intensity or mere diet will definitely not help you to any extent. There must be a proper blending of the exact workout and proper diet.

Don’t go for high-intensity work out with full force, and also don’t starve yourself for diet. Both don’t help.

Eat what the body needs and avoid anything which tempts you. Keep your exercises simple and engaging. Avoid Junk foods and give a lot of focus to cardio. Just keep one thing in mind that nothing is impossible and all you need to keep in mind is Nothing Is Impossible and You Can Achieve it!!!

Stay focused, Don’t divert yourself anywhere, and ultimately you can reach your target sooner than you planned.

One more important thing, don’t forget to continue the same workouts even after reaching your goal otherwise things might reverse again. Because once the body starts to lose weight, it would be hungry for energy and when you drop your schedule, it starts to gain weight like anything!!!

Losing weight is not a difficult task, but maintaining the attained weight is the most difficult part of the journey. The main part of the journey is you should believe in yourself and control yourself and test yourself against the hardships that might divert you.

How Obesity and Overweight Damage Your Health – You Should Lose Weight

obesity risks

Those were the days when obesity was considered a big black mark for oneself. But now the lifestyle has become so bad that obesity is common among people, and being fi became an activity.

However, most of them haven’t realized the dark faces of obesity and are still so casual in their daily routine. People who are overweight can easily overcome obesity with little effort, however, obese people need utmost dedication.

But the sad part is that most people still don’t care about being overweight or obese. Here are a few side effects of being overweight or obese, which could be even dangerous to your life. Read them completely and hope that might change your approach toward your body

1. Osteoarthritis

Persons suffering from overweight or obesity exert extra pressure on their bones, causing the wear and tear of bones and cartilages. This might lead to Osteoarthritis, a condition that causes the stiffness of bones and joints.

2. Fatty Liver Disease

The extra fat that accumulates in your body which increases your weight actually increases the load on your liver. It might even lead to liver cirrhosis and even liver failure. However, most of those patients who suffer from fatty liver disease are obese.

3. Stroke

Being overweight or obese makes extra fat accumulate in the blood vessels, and if it’s prolonged, it may lead to blockage of blood flow to the brain, eventually resulting in a stroke.

4. Heart Diseases

heart attack

High cholesterol levels are very common in overweight or obese people, hence they are prone to higher blood pressure levels. Excess weight might cause some changes to the cardiac muscles making the heart pump blood properly.

5. Kidney Problems

The extra fats accumulated in the waist increase the pressure on the kidneys. This may cause higher cholesterol and higher blood sugar levels and impairs the functioning of the kidneys.

6. Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a condition where a person experiences a pause in breathing while sleeping. This might be due to the inflammation of the neck portion. Weight loss will reduce the size of the neck and thereby it provides ease in breathing.

7. Pregnancy Delay

Obesity has been found to have a direct link to pregnancy issues. The proper formation of zygote gets affected due to overweight and hence couples might face a delay in pregnancy confirmation when the female is overweight

8. Pregnancy Issues

pregnancy issues

Usually, pregnant ladies gain weight so easily, but if they become overweight they might develop high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Hence it is very important that pregnant ladies must take utmost care in preventing overweight.


Gastro-Intestinal Reflux disease, shortly known as Gerd, is one of the earlier symptoms of getting into the overweight stage. The reflux of stomach acid back into the esophagus or food track causes a burning sensation in the heart.

10. Gall Bladder Disease

The gall bladder of the liver secretes bile. Bile is responsible for maintaining the sugar levels in the blood. Once the body becomes overweight or obese, the pressure on the liver increases and the gall bladder ultimately fails

11. Pancreatitis

The pressure on the pancreas causes inflammation of the pancreas and might even lead to diseases like pancreatitis and fatty pancreas thereby causing an imbalance in the endocrine system

12. Cardiovascular Diseases

cardiac monitor

Obesity causes an imbalance in the blood flow, where the cardiac muscles make the heart cant able to function properly. This may also cause cardiovascular diseases like shortness of breath and asthma

13. Abnormal Heart Rhythm

Fat accumulation is a major threat to the involuntary muscles that make up the heart. As a result of blood blockage in blood vessels, the heartbeat rhythm tends to vary.

14. Hypertension

As you know the pressure off the blood flow increases when a layer of fat deposits on the blood vessels. The abnormal variation in the mercury levels due to the swinging systolic and diastolic pressure will be the major cause of hypertension.

15. Peripheral Vascular Disease

This is another heart-related disease and obviously overweight and obesity remain the major cause. The CardioVascular muscles located at the periphery of the heart muscles get affected thereby making the heart a weaker one for blood pumping

16. Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s Disease is a condition, where the thyroid gland suffers to produce the required level of the thyroid in the body. Also known as hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland suffers to perform its function when the body obesity increases.

17. Menstrual Problems

Obesity in women is a big concern for their reproductive system. Their proper timeline of the menstrual cycle suffers a big blow when their body gains overweight. As a result, it might even lead to some kind of cancer.

18. PCOS

PCOS the short spell for Polycystic ovary syndrome is another reproductive-related issue for obese women. As obesity increases, the menstrual cycle gets impaired and as a result, the ovary doesn’t get enough nourishment.

19. Endocrine Glands

Once you are overweight, the secretion of the hormones in your body will lose flow. The imbalance in hormone secretion might lead to various other problems in the body. Endocrine glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, and pancreas are important for body functioning.

20. Body Cycle

The extra fats accumulated suck all the energy and make you tired and lazy easily thereby disturbing your daily routine activity. Disturbing the body cycle might result in problems like GERD, Nausea, and vomiting

21. Sleepless Nights

Being obese slows down your body activity and the proper energy requirement for the body is spent either partially or abnormally. As a result, you won’t get immediate sleep. Even if you sleep, it won’t be a deep and peaceful one.

22. Pains

Obesity directly increases the pressure on the lower part of your body and joints, as the legs have to carry the entire body weight. Hence it results in back pain, especially in the areas around the hips.

23. Allergies

Overweight and obesity drastically reduce the body’s immune system even to fight basic antigens. You will be prone to all sorts of allergies starting from dust to even some kind of medicines.

24. Body Sweat

When you are obese, the fat in your body will insulate you and increases the body base temperature. This causes uneasy sweating and may make you embarrassed. When you start shredding the fats, you tend to sweat very less naturally.

25. Mobility

Gaining more weight and becoming obese adds a burden to your own body. You cannot be either active or as fast as you used to be. You feel your own weight as a burden.

Moreover, scientific research has found that obesity and overweight are the root cause of many higher diseases.


Now I think this article help you to learn how overweight and obesity are dangerous for your life and what benefits you get from losing weight.

So don’t waste time anymore. Kick-start your activities for reducing your weight for a healthier life.

Stay Fit !! Stay Happily !!!

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