Weight Loss Exercises

Weight loss exercise

The key factors to weight loss are a good diet and regular exercise. If you are taking in more calories than you are burning then the result will be that your body will store the excess calories as fat.

The information on this site is design to show you how to make the proper choices to best reduce body weight and maintain perfect form. As with any new diet or exercise plan however, it is advised to consult your physician beforehand.

 Losing weight is not easy, and takes quite a bit of dedication along with making sensible decisions. It is very important to keep focused on your goal, and not to get discouraged. At first, it will seem a bit tough, but hang in there and soon you’ll be on your way to that fabulous body that you’ve always dreamed of.


One does not necessarily have to join a gym to perform a proper exercise, although it sure wouldn’t hurt to do so. However, it can easily be performed right in the comfort of your own home.

The following exercises will help to keep your body firm, fit, and well-toned. Keep in mind that if it has been a while since you last undertook any type of exercise, take it easy at first and gradually increase the effort over time

Try to maintain the proper form of the exercise without using momentum. If you feel pain, dizziness, or any other type of serious discomfort discontinue the exercise immediately.

Leg Exercises

These exercises will target the calves, thighs, hamstrings, and buttocks, and are suited for everyone.



  • Stand straight with your back and feet shoulder-width apart.
  •  Slowly and smoothly bend your knees and lower yourself towards the ground. It is very important in this workout to stay within your comfort zone and not too much lower yourself down

  • Slowly come to the squat position, as if you were about to sit on an invisible chair, pause for a second, and then slowly come to the up straight position again.

  • Complete three to five repetitions if you are new to the exercise, do not do too much straight away.

  • As your focused muscles become stronger, you can increase the number of repetitions and squat lower to the ground. This will make the exercise much more effective for strengthening and toning the thighs, buttocks, and hamstrings.


  • Throughout this workout, make sure that you keep your body upright and positioned directly above your hips.

  • Stand with both feet around eighteen inches apart with the right foot out in front and the left foot to the rear, grip your hand on the back of the chair for stability if you need to.
  • Sightly your weight forward onto the front leg, bending both knees slightly, and lifting your rear ankle slightly off the floor..

  • When you have got to the comfortable position try holding there for five seconds.
  • Slowly straighten the legs and come back to the starting position.

  • Repeat the lunge another four times with the right leg forward, then repeat the whole exercise with the left foot forward.

Calf Raises

calf raising

  • Stand in the back of the chair with both hands on the back of the chair.
  • Keep your legs straight and body upright.

  • Gradually move onto your toes lifting your heels off the ground until you are on tiptoes (as long as this is comfortable for you).

  • Hold yourself up on your toes for three to five seconds.

  • Slowly lower your heels back down and back to the starting position.

  • Repeat the exercise five to ten times at first, but this can be increased if you feel comfortable

 Cardiovascular Exercises (Swimming, Power walking/treadmill, Cycling, Skipping rope, Jogging, Aerobics)

Benefits of Cardio Training

  1. Increases calorie burn
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

  4. Increased lung capacity
  5. Reduced blood pressure

  6. Prevents diabetes
  7. Burns body fat

  8. Increase metabolism

  9. Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  10. Strengthens the immune system

  11. Lowers stress levels

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