Why People Become Overweight And Obese? The Real Problem And Ways Of Prevention

Overweight and obesity: Do you feel you have gained weight in the past years? Do you feel breathless while doing normal daily activities? Has your weight increased continuously? Read this article further to understand your situation better.

What Is Overweight And Obesity?

overweight and obese man wearing green T shirts

Bodyweight, which is higher than the healthy weight according to one’s height, is termed Overweight and Obesity. The imbalance of weight can be because of extra bone, muscle weight, or can be due to excess body fat accumulation. Body fat is the core reason for being Overweight in obese individuals.

While body weight due to muscle or bone weight isn’t worrisome at all, increased weight gain due to fat deposition in the body can be fatal. It is, therefore, crucial to understand one’s body and keep a regular check on it.

Nidhi, an accountant, shares her experience dealing with Obesity-

“I am Nidhi. I am 27 years old. In 2017, I weighed somewhere around 120 kgs. I was overweight in my childhood. Growing up, I was not a part in any sports activity. It gradually became my habit not to be involved in any physical activity. My only pastime was watching movies. I remember I used to eat something continually. I would not understand when I was full.

             After some time, I had immense knee pain. Doctors asked me to lose weight as my body couldn’t handle it. I also suffered from sleep apnea, in which I had a sleep disorder, and my breathing would stop suddenly. It surely was a difficult phase.

            Then I started exercising and controlled my diet. I am 90 kgs now. It is still a long way to go.”

More than one in two adults and one in six children are overweight in OECD countries. Data suggests that there were 28.5% of adults in the age group 20-39 years, 36.8% of adults in the age group 40- 59 years, and 31% of adults in the age group above 60 are obese. World health organization quoted that more than 1.9 billion adults (18 years and above) are overweight, and in this, 650 million people are obese. 40 million children under 5 years of age were overweight or obese in 2018.

overweight and obesity in adults

Moreover, Obesity may increase manifolds by 2030, as the speed with which it has spread is unbelievable in the last 5 years across the globe. Obesity and Overweight are no less than an epidemic. It is worrisome to see it taken lightly. In the next three decades, overweight and obesity issues may reduce life expectancy rates by nearly 3 years.

It is time that individuals and government policies get implemented in such a way that people approach a healthy lifestyle.

Categories Of Weight Gain

Weight gain is a gradual process. The leading cause of weight gain is when no adequate attention is given to the weight changes  the individual experiences

There is a predetermined Body Mass Index range for a healthy body type. The BMI that is over the normal range comes under the category of overweight, Obese, and Morbid obese.

Morbid obese man  wearing underwear and sittingsitting
  • Overweight– It is when an individual’s BMI comes in the range of 25.0- 29.9.
  • Obese– When an Individual’s BMI comes under the range of 30- 35.
  • Morbid Obesity– When a person has accumulated excessive body fat and has a BMI of more than 35. Morbid obese individuals can’t do their everyday activities on their own. They face great difficulty in walking, picking things from the ground, and breathing trouble. 

Is Obesity a disease?

Obesity isn’t a disease, but Obesity and being Overweight can lead to innumerable diseases. All the individuals in these categories have unhealthy bodies. An unhealthy body can directly affect the productivity of the individual, as they may always feel tired and sleepy. The disease risk in all these categories is the same, but the severity of the disease may vary.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index is the easiest and simple way to measure body fat. It helps you understand if your body is healthy, overweight, or even underweight. The BMI is the measure of your weight with your height.

Individuals on their own can regularly keep a check on their BMI levels. Moreover, it is the best method to screen for Overweight and Obesity. The greater your BMI, the higher your chances of being obese. Individuals on their own can regularly keep a check on their BMI levels. Moreover, it is the best method to screen for Overweight and Obesity. The greater your BMI, the higher your chances of being obese.

The table below helps to understand which category you belong to according to your BMI.

Weight CategoryBMI
Morbid obese35.0 and above
Obese30.0 – 35.0
Overweight25.0 – 29.9
Normal18.5 – 24.9
UnderweightBellow 18.5
BMI Chart

Do you want to calculate your BMI? You can use the below formula and see which weight category you belong to. 

BMI (Metric Formula) =Weight in Kilograms/Height in meters2

Obesity And Overweight In Children And Adults

Unhealthy foods

Obesity is becoming a common phenomenon in children. It is very vital to have a whole family approach to maintaining a healthy weight. As the busy schedule of parents can affect the health of the child exponentially. Packing processed food for school lunches and other meals because of parents’ time crunch can lead to excessive fat and sugar content in the child’s body. A healthy lifestyle needs the right balance of healthy food and also the right amount of exercise. A family evening walk is an excellent start to have. Involving children in any sports activity from a younger age ripes better results in the long run.

Understanding the right amount of portion size is also crucial. Having a balanced meal with all necessary nutrients maintained in the right amount is the key to healthy living. Parents should carefully monitor the eating of their children. Munching on snacks while watching television or mobile phone is a typical process of overeating. Being mindful of one’s eating habits, and the quantity of intake is an essential exercise.

Teach your children to prepare healthier snacks like sprouts. It is easy to make and super healthy for the children. Habits don’t get formed in a day, but its constant motivation and practice. Moreover, parents need to be role models and make healthy eating a way of life.

Why Is Weight Gain Becoming a Trend?

Increasing tread showing on blue world map background and a glob on a hand

Our sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of excessive weight gain. When we consume more calories than we burn daily, we start accumulating fat. Our 8-10 hour sitting job with no physical activity just catalysis the weight gain process.  It gradually results in excessive weight gain causing Obesity.

It is crucial to monitor the amount of time spent sitting. One can comfortably sit or lay down the whole day in front of the television, or laptop. There is enough on the screen to engage our minds. It holds for everyone from a 5-year-old to a 60-year-old. Thus, conscious time planning for different work becomes the need of the hour.

With such a fast-moving lifestyle, processed food packets have become the core of the meals at every household. Processed food items have added sugar ad unhealthy fat content in them.

Skipping meals to lose weight is a strategy chosen by many. But they end up eating more than needed for the rest of their meals. Thus, such a practice is unhealthy. Having the right amount of food at the right times can help in making the body remain healthy.

Another important reason why people prefer junk food is that it is cheap. A Maggi packet is way cheaper than a wheat packet. It should be contrary; the Government should put more taxes and prices on junk. So that at least some refrain from it and look for healthier options.Another important reason why people prefer junk food is that it is cheap. A Maggi packet is way cheaper than a wheat packet. It should be contrary; the Government should put more taxes and prices on junk. So that at least some refrain from it and look for healthier options.

Who Are The Individuals At risk Of Being Overweight And Obese?

  • Genetic Interference– If an individual has a family history of being overweight, Obese, or Morbid Obese. They are more chances for the person to have that body type and gradually become an obese person.
  • Poor Mental Health– People dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety can put on undue weight, as they produce more stress hormones that store fat. Stress eating is prevalent in such diseases.
  • Sleeping schedules– Lack of sleep is also a significant reason for weight gain.
  • Medication- Some medicines such as anti-depressants, and steroid-based medicines can lead to putting on excessive weight.

Heath Risk For Obese And Overweight Individuals

Obese take insulin

Overweight, Obese, and Morbid Obese individuals are at high risk of many diseases. Some of the diseases are mentioned below.

  • Obese individuals are at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart diseases. The number of heart patients has had a disproportionate increase in recent years.
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer (breast, ovarian, liver, gallbladder)
  • Breathing issues
  • Hypertension

Health risk for Morbid obese people

  • Heart disease
  • Abnormal blood lipid counts
  • Reproductive issues
  • Obesity hypoventilation syndrome-
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea- It is a condition where an individual’s breathing stops and starts at different intervals. It is a sleep disorder. It occurs when the neck muscle relaxes and stops the air passage to the body and brain.
  • Heart disease
  • Abnormal blood lipid counts
  • Reproductive issues
  • Obesity hypoventilation syndrome-
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea- It is a condition where an individual’s breathing stops and starts at different intervals. It is a sleep disorder. It occurs when the neck muscle relaxes and stops the air passage to the body and brain.
Obese belly, burger, french fry

David, a dietician, shares his experience-

I am David. I am practicing for the last 30 years. Over 30 years, I have come across many clients who are fighting against Obesity. Many are struggling with their health. It is better to be cautious about one’s body from the start. Otherwise, losing a huge amount of weight needs a lot of hard work and consistency.”

Even though proper exercise and diet control Obesity. But sometimes, surgery for   Morbid Obese individuals becomes a necessity. Surgery becomes the final resort for people who show no results of diet change or exercise. An individual can undergo two kinds of surgery

1. Gastric banding- A hoop is placed in the stomach to bound the food that can enter the stomach.

2. Gastric Bypass- Portion of the stomach bypassed, and the individual feels full.

When after this, the individual loses weight. The patient undergoes skin removal surgery to remove excessive fat.

Ways To Prevent Overweight And Obesity

healthy food
  • Making healthier choices is the key to reducing weight. The best is to limit the intake of sugar and fat.
  • Increase fruit and vegetable intake. Adding whole grains and nuts can be beneficial too. Having salads before the meal is an excellent way to hold your appetite. Fibrous food is right for your body and doesn’t lead to weight gain.
  • Say a big no to processed food as it is high in sugar, fat, and salt content. Reduce the number of packed fruit juice you are consuming. Switch to fresh juice as it has no added sugar.
  • Read the ingredient list and stay away from added sugar content and fat-based products—for example- Even though Peanut butter is considered healthy. One has to care for the brand they are buying it. Some have added sugar and fat content to enhance the taste. Thus, making it unhealthy.
  • Regular exercise for 60 minutes is the core of weight loss. It is crucial to burn the calories stored in the body. One can start with lighter exercises and gradually increase the rigor and time duration.
women doing yoga workout
  • Offices should have a gym, which employees can access during the day. Some researches prove that physically fit individuals are more productive and alert. Thus, having 30 minutes of time allocated for physical activity can keep employees on their toes.
  • Take walk breaks in the office to break the continuous sitting.
  • Having a set television time for children can also stop them from inactivity for a long time. Even adults should switch positions every 2 hours.
  • It is critical to shift as a society to a healthier life and discourage fast food. Families should plan their fitness routines together.
  • Following fitness pages and fitness instructors on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can keep you motivated.


Overweight and Obesity have become the new regular these days. Lack of awareness is leading people to an unhealthy lifestyle and food habits. People have no time to exercise. But it is important to reconsider our choices and keep our bodies functioning at their best.

Prevention is always better than cure. Let us hold hands to lose weight and fight against Overweight and Obesity as a society together.

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