How To Lose Weight Fast and Naturally-A Definitive Guide

how to lose weight

Besides heart ailments, one of the biggest health problems that the people of the world face today is obesity. Every overweight and the obese person asks this question how to lose weight fast? But don’t know how to do it. There is no shortage of information but what method works for you that is important.

According to a report by The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America 2018, almost 40 percent of citizens in the United States of America are obese or overweight. Breaking it down,18.5 percent of children between the ages of two to 19 and 39.6 percent of adults are obese.

The figure has increased drastically in the last few years, which is quite alarming. Professor of Global Health at IHME said that being overweight or obese is a growing, unchecked problem in the US today. And this could lead to a major public health epidemic.

What You Learn From This Guide

In this guide, we shall discuss the reason for your obesity and overweight, how to prepare yourself for your weight loss journey, how to set realistic goals, and how to lose weight and keep it off permanently.  And what steps you need to follow.

Remember, there is no magic formula or all-in-one solution for losing weight. You need to do some work. If you want any quick fix,  you are in the wrong place, this guide is not for you.

Do you want to learn about how to lose weight fast in a healthy way? You definitely find the answer in this guide. This is a step-by-step guide, so you must follow each step in order to mention it below. 

Keep reading…

Understanding Weight lose

First of all, you must understand the term weight loss. What do you need to lose? Our body is made of lean muscle, borns, organs, fat, and fluids. All these components contributed to body weight.

What components weight you need to lose? Yes, you need to reduce excess body fat and fluid.

So what do you understand? The answer is weight loss means fat loss. We need to save our lean muscles and meltdown unwanted body fat.

Step 1- Reason

cause of overweight and obesity

The most important step in your weight loss journey should be to find out the exact reason behind your weight gain. 

We need to treat overweight and obesity like a disease. Every disease has some cause in the background. If you find the real cause of the disease, you can find a better solution. The same things in weight loss. Need to find the actual reason, that is the starting point.

Many factors could lead to weight gain and obesity in children and adults. And once again, the causes might not be the same for every person. While your friend might be gaining weight for a medical reason, the reason behind your weight gain could be due to stress.

 In the following list, we have mentioned a few common reasons responsible for weight gain in adults. 

1. Energy Imbalance

Most people are overweight due to this single reason. They consume more calories than required and excess calories are converted to body fat.

Our body needs the energy to stay alive. Most of the energy consumed the body’s vital functions and the rest of the energy is used for activity.

Now you need to understand the energy balance equation.

Consume more calories than required = Weight gain

Consume fewer calories than required = Weight lose

Take the same calorie as required = Weight balance

Now you understand how energy-related to weight gain or loss. But the question is how to find whether energy imbalance is the actual reason for your overweight and obesity.

How do you check energy is your problem?

In this section, I will explain to you how to check the energy imbalance is the cause of your overweight. You need to do some exercise. Take a diary and do the below calculations.

First of all, you need to find out your RMR ( Resting Metabolic Rate) this is also called BMR ( Basal Metabolic Rate )and REE ( Resting Energy Expenditure )

Resting metabolic rate means minimum calories required for your basic body function ( eg. breathing, functioning of heart, lungs, manufacturing of cells, brain function, etc.)

How to Find BMR

Take your diary and write down your height, weight, and age. Then apply these values in bellow formula.

BMR calculation for men 


BMR = 66.5+(13.75*Wt in Kg)+(5.003*height in CM)-(6.755*age in Year)


BMR = 66+(6.2*Wt in Pounds)+12.7* height in Inch)-(6.76* age in Year)

BMR calculation for women


655.1+(9.563*Wt in Kg)+(1.850* height in CM)-(4.676*age in Year)


BMR = 655.1+(4.35*Wt in Pounds)+(4.7*height in Inch)-(4.7*age in Year)

This is your Basal Metabolic Rate. Once you find your BMR. Next, you need to find out your daily energy requirements.

Refer to below table and find your activity level and energy requirements

Activity LevelDaily Energy Required
Daily Energy Required
Lightly ActiveBMR*1.6BMR*1.5
Moderate ActiveBMR*1.7BMR*1.6
Very ActiveBMR*2.1BMR*1.9
Extremely ActiveBMR*2.4BMR*2.2

Now you know your daily calorie requirement value. Next, you need to find how many calories you consume every day.

 What do you do?

Open your diary again and write down what you eat and drink every day (write everything )for a week. Then find the average calorie value of foods you eat and drink. This is your current calorie intake.

 For example, your daily recommended calorie intake = 2500 calories. Your current calorie intake is 3000 calories, which means you eat more than required and resulting in weight gain. If you find your recommended calorie intake and current calorie intake are the same,  but also overweight, it means energy imbalance is not the reason for your overweight. Go for the next reason.

2. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance is when you either have too much or too little of a certain hormone. This can cause major changes in your body. Among various symptoms, weight gain is one of them. Many causes lead to hormone imbalance and it depends on which gland or hormone is affected. 

There are some hormones affected by weight gain, Listed bellow

  • Leptin
  • Cortisol and Serotonin
  • Insulin
  • Irisin
  • Sex Hormone – Estrogen and Androgen
  • Growth Hormone
  • Thyroid Hormone
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • Adiponectin
  • Ghrelin
  • Glucagon
  • Cholecystokinin (CCK)

Getting a test done is your best chance to find out the right solution for this problem and lose weight.

3. Fluid Retention

Another cause of weight gain is fluid retention, also known as Oedema. This condition leads the body to swell up in certain parts, wherever there is fluid accumulation in the body. Swelling can happen in any part of the body, especially the ankles. If you face a similar problem, you need to consult a physician right away to get the issue checked as it could be a symptom of an underlying problem. 

4. Genetic

This is one of the main reasons for weight gain and there is not much one can do about it. Some people are genetically susceptible to gaining weight. 

Studies conducted over the past few years have proved this fact. However, all hope is not lost because the food you mostly eat can have a significant effect on which genes are expressed and the ones that are not. So, watching your diet can help you not gain those dreaded extra kilos. 

There is some genetic reason that leads to weight gain. Listed below.

  • Prader-Willi Syndrom
  • Bardet- Biedl Syndrom
  • Alstrom Syndrom
  • Cohen Syndrom
  • Carpenter Syndrom
  • Ayazi Syndrom
  • Momo Syndrom

5. Age

As you get older our body changes automatically.  You lose some muscle mass if you are a less active person especially. Muscles lose the lead to slow metabolism and slow down the calorie-burning efficiency. If you don’t adjust the calorie intake according to your age leads to overweight.

6. Medical Conditions

 Various medical conditions like diabetes and an underactive thyroid can lead to weight gain in adults. An underactive thyroid is a condition where the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones and so, the metabolism in the body slows down leading to weight gain. 

As for diabetics, weight gain is a common side-effect for the ones taking insulin to keep their blood sugar levels under control. While underactive thyroid can be treated with medicines, the latter can be taken care of by following a proper diet. 

The possible medical conditions are listed below.

  • Cushing’s Syndrom
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Insulinoma
  • Craniopharyngioma
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS)

7. Stress and Sleep

 This is a common problem with the present generation. Most of us live stressful lives and do not manage a proper eight to nine hours of sleep. 

Studies have shown a connection between lack of sleep and an increase in weight. Some theories state that people who do not get enough sleep have increased levels of ghrelin, the hunger-stimulating hormone, and lower levels of leptin, the chemical that makes you feel full. When stressed, different people react differently. But it has been noticed that most people turn to food to feel better. 

Regarding this issue, renowned dietician Catherine Collins says, “Weight gain from depression can make you more depressed, which can lead to further weight gain. If you know you’re an emotional eater, you need to find other forms of distraction, such as exercise or a hobby, calling a friend, going for a walk, or having a soothing bath.”

8. Food Habits

This is the most common reason why many people gain weight and become obese in the long run. The first problem is eating a lot of junk food instead of whole food like fruits and vegetables. Consumption of excess calories can also lead to weight gain.

These junk processed foods are filled with empty nutrients that do no good to the body, and yet people eat them because they are tasty, cheap, and last a long time on the shelf. Junk foods can also cause addiction in individuals. 

So, the best way to stay safe and lose weight naturally is to reduce your intake of highly processed food and increase your eating of whole food. Also, avoid eating excess calories that your body cannot burn off during the day

9. High Intake of Sugar

 Scientists are of the notion that excessive consumption of sugar might be responsible for obesity. Research has shown that excess sugar consumption can lead to weight gain or obesity. 

Overconsumption of fructose may also result in insulin resistance and increase the level of insulin. Excess sugar does more harm to the body than good, so it is better to keep the sugar levels in check if you want to lose weight fast

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that unless you have a severe medical condition causing a hindrance in your weight loss journey, you are fully capable of losing weight. And while you are not capable of controlling the way your body works, you can surely make changes to your lifestyle and eating habits to manage your body weight. Yes, it does take a lot of hard work and might require you to make drastic changes in your lifestyle, but in the end, it is worth it. 

Step 2 – Goal And Mind Set

weight lose mindset

A knowledgable person once said, “Cut the mental fat, and that will lead to cutting the waistline fat.” And she couldn’t be more right. While food and exercise play an essential role in your weight loss journey, what helps you the most is the right mindset and correct attitude.

Most people who try to lose weight effectively fail because they do not have the right mindset required to lose weight. They follow diet plans blindly only out of self-deprecation, expecting quick results and ignoring health and sustainability. It is not the correct way to do it and will inevitably lead to failure.

Board-certified internal medicine physician Dr. Kevin Campbell is of the notion that people often focus on negative thoughts instead of focusing on the good that can come from weight loss.

Weight loss leads to better health, and longer life, helps you enjoy everyday activities, and prevent diabetes and heart disease. A negative mindset leads to failure and such thoughts can be destructive.

Instead, we must focus on the good that losing weight can do for us. And before we begin, we must know that there are no quick fixes or shortcuts to losing weight fast. Hence, we must be patient and focus on goals that are attainable at first.

It takes years to gain those extra kilos, but when it comes to shedding them, everyone wants to lose them fast. This leads to trying out fad diets and quick fixes, which turn out to be harmful in the long run. In the list below, we mention a few pointers that can help you set the correct mindset and the right goals for weight loss. Remember: the idea is to aim big but start small.

1. Set Small Sustainable Goals

Goal setting

Okay, so this is important. We know that you want to lose weight fast. But, you must understand that it is not possible to do so within a week. Lets explained.

Before setting a goal do some maths.

I Pound of body fat = 3500 calories means if you want to lose 1 pound of body fat you need to make a deficiency of 3500 calories or burn more than 3500 calories.

Imagine you required 3000 calories to maintain your current weight and you want to lose 10 pounds in one week.

1 pound body fat = 3500 Calorie

10 pounds body fat = 3500 multiplied by 10 = 35000 calorie

1 week = 7 days

Per day deficiency = 35000 divided by 7 = 5000 calorie

You need a deficiency of 5000 calories per day, which means you don’t eat anything during the day and burn extra 2000 calories. What do you think? Are you able to do this?

This is not a realistic goal

500 calorie per day deficiency is widely accepted and recommended for safe weight lose

So what do you do?

Break your goal into small goals and achieve them one by one. Do the above exercise to find how much time require to achieve your goals.

Weight loss is a continuous process and needs to be given some time to see actual results. 

So, set small goals for yourself. And once you meet it, set another one. 

This will help you stay motivated and enjoy the process. Sounds good, right?

2. Ready For Upcoming Changes

Weight loss means all about changes. You need to change your habits, choice, thoughts, lifestyle, and mindsets. You must prepare your mind to adopt new upcoming changes. If you aren’t able to change your old lifestyle and habits it’s impossible for achieving permanent weight loss.

3. Stay Positive

So, surround yourself with positive people who will stand by you and make you feel good. And yes, never be afraid or shy to ask for support when you need it.

4. Identify the Thoughts That Stop You From Achieving Your Goals

The best solution is to stop yourself by saying ‘stop’ in a loud tone. Or count from 1 to 100 as many times as you need until the harmful thoughts subside.” It’ll break the chain of negative thoughts and assist you in being positive.

5. Talk To Yourself Like a Friend

Talk To Yourself Like a Friend Most of us are unnecessarily hard on ourselves when it comes to losing weight. There is no reason to do so. Be kind to yourself and talk to yourself like you would to a friend. It could change your mood instantly

6. Give Yourself Some Occasional Treats

We all have cravings for something or the other at times, and it is perfectly normal. So, it is okay to indulge in a piece of chocolate cake or a slice of pizza sometime. After all, all foods fit, and it is necessary to keep yourself happy while on the journey to lose weight.

Remember that the mind is a flexible thing, and to lose weight effectively, you need to set it right. And once you can do so, you will have passed the biggest hurdle to losing weight.

Step 3 – Preparation

healthy life

Once you find the reason behind your overweight and obesity and set the correct mindset and attitude, you are ready to embark on the weight loss journey. 

The next step is to prepare yourself for it. You cannot make a good strategy for weight loss without knowing a few details about yourself like your body mass index, your weight, your height, body parts measurements, body type, etc. 

Remember that not all bodies are the same, and so, a diet plan or strategy that worked perfectly for your friend and helped her lose weight fast, might not work for you at all. 

So, you need a weight loss plan that has been tailor-made for you based on the details provided by you about your body. 

All you need to do is write down all data to collect you in order to below in a diary ( already mentioned in step 1 ). This information helps you make a good strategy and better tracking.

 1. Find Out Your Height and Weight

Before you make a good weight loss plan, you need to find out your height and weight first. This will help you in the long run because to know how much weight you have lost, you need to know from where you started. 

Keeping track of your progress is essential in a weight loss journey. Knowing your height is also crucial because it will determine how much weight you need to lose to have the right weight. 

2. Body Fat Percentage (BMI)

Once you know your height and weight, you can calculate your BMI, which is essential to determine the amount of weight you need to lose. BMI or Body Mass Index is a measurement of body fat that is determined based on the height and weight of a person.

There is a formula for finding BMI

Metric formula

                       (Weight in Kilograms) divided by height in meters square

Imperial Formula

                        (Weight pounds*703) divided by height in inch square

See the below table and find your BMI range

CategoryBMI range –  Kg/m2
Severe ThinnessBelow 16
Moderate Thinness16 – 17
Mild Thinness17 – 18.5
Overweight25 – 30
Obese Class – 130 – 35
Obese Class –  235 – 40
Obese class –  3Over 40

Getting to know your body fat percentage is essential. It is because it gives you a fair idea of how much body fat you need to lose to remain healthy.

Many a time a weighing scale cannot tell you how much weight you have genuinely lost. It is because as you lose weight and gain muscles, the figures don’t change on the scale. Hence, knowing your BMI is important.

Today, there are many websites online that help you calculate your BMI. All you need to do is enter your height and weight, and the online calculator will fetch you your BMI. To find out your body fat percentage, you can use the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method. The other options are hydrostatic weighing, bioelectrical impedance scales, and calipers.

 3. Measurement of Body Parts

how to measure body parts

This is another step that needs to be done for the same reason as mentioned before – to keep track of your progress during your weight loss journey. It also tells you which parts of the body you are losing weight in since not everyone loses fat in the same areas of the body.

So, you can start by measuring the following areas of the body:

  • Measure loosely around the chest on the nipple line
  • Measure the area under the bust
  • Measure a little above the belly button, also known as the smallest part of your waist
  • Measure around your hips
  • Measure around your calves
  • Measure around your thighs
  • Arm: Measure above the elbow
  • Measure below the forearm – Keep these measurements with you and measure them again after two weeks or a month. This will help you keep track of your progress and to see where exactly you are losing weight

4. Keep a Check on Calories

To be able to lose weight fast, one needs to burn more calories than what is being consumed by the body. There are a few methods by which you can keep your calories in check without starving yourself. These include eating more protein-rich food to help you stay full for longer and not have cravings. You must also avoid sugary food and drinks since they are loaded with empty calories. Avoid refined carbohydrates like maida, eat real, fiber-rich food, and exercise frequently.

And last but not least, do keep in mind that fat loss and weight loss are two different things. The idea of successfully losing weight is to lose fat fast and preserve muscles.

Most diets fail because people tend to lose muscles by not eating enough and the right food. That is something we need to avoid. Eating wholesome food in the right quantity and exercising will help to lose body fat and aid in muscle gain. Keep a tab on your body fat percentage to know if and when you are on the right track.

Step 4 – How to Lose Weight Fast

lose weight fast

Once you figure out the reason behind your weight gain, it should be fairly easy for you to understand how to lose weight fast. In this column, we shall discuss the various strategies that you can adopt to lose weight effectively

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

We have mentioned this before and we would like to stress it once more. There is nothing more rewarding for your weight loss journey than eating a healthy and balanced diet that consists of wholesome food and not skipping meals, especially breakfast.

Pay attention to the portion size and avoid consuming extra calories that your body will not be able to burn during the day. It has been seen that by decreasing the intake of 500 calories per day, a person can lose about one pound a week. 

You can do so by avoiding high fat, calorie-rich, sugary, high carb food and opting for food that is low in fat, low in calories, and made with very little or no oil.  

Here is an easy recipe for sautéed vegetables that you can try at home. It gets ready real fast and not to forget, it is tasty as well as healthy. 

  • Heat a little olive oil in a skillet.
  • Add some finely chopped garlic and jalapeno.
  • Once they change color, add sliced vegetables of your choice. It could be any veggie of your choice like zucchini, bell pepper, tomatoes, etc.
  • Add some chopped shallots to it too.
  • Cook the vegetables for about five minutes, or until they are tender.
  • Sprinkle some salt, ground black pepper, and a little paprika, and you are done.

This dish is low in calories and full of nutrition. It can be easily made at home and gets ready in no time!

Also, remember to drink enough water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. Doctors recommend drinking at least two liters or eight glasses of water every day. Many believe that drinking enough water could increase metabolism in the body and help in burning extra calories.

Also, drinking water about a half-hour before meals can also help to reduce the number of calories that you might end up consuming during your meal. 

2. Exercise

There is no shortcut to losing weight. You have to work your way through it. And one of the best ways is to exercise, sweat it out, and shed those extra kilos. Here are a few exercises that you can do at home to get back in shape. 


Forward lunges are a great way to lose weight at home. Here is how you can do them.

  • Stand with your feet and hip apart. 
  • Place your hands on the hips, and take a step forward with your right leg.
  • Lower your body by keeping your spine straight until your front leg and back leg form an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Stop for a while and return your right leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same on the other side with the left leg.


This is another effective way to lose body weight naturally and lose belly fat. Here is how to do squats.

  • Start by keeping your feet and hip-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides.
  • Keep the body weight in your heels.
  • Begin by raising your arms in front of you and lowering your legs.
  • Keep your back straight and lower your body till the thighs are parallel to the floor. Your knees should be in line with your toes.
  • Stay that way and go back to a standing position.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

This is a deep breathing exercise that is highly beneficial for weight loss and also for losing belly fat. It increases metabolism, improves blood circulation in the body, energizes the nervous system, and stimulates the organs in the abdomen. Here’s how to do it.

Sit with your spine erect and keep your hands on the knees with the palms facing upwards.

Take a deep breath.

Next, as you exhale, pull in your stomach. Pull back your navel towards the spine. 

As the navel and abdomen relax, the breath slowly flows into the lungs automatically.

Twenty such breaths complete one round of Kapalbhati Pranayama.

After one round is completed, close your eyes and feel the sensations in your body.

Complete a total of three rounds of Kapalbhati Pranayama in one day.

Here is a video of Kapalbhati Pranayama to help you understand the exercise better.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Research has shown that intermittent fasting can be beneficial in reducing calories, busting stubborn fat, and increasing metabolism. Intermittent fasting requires you to eat all your food within six to eight hours and fast for the remaining 14 to 16 hours. Intermittent fasting works by kick-starting ketosis in the body – where it drains out all the glucose (the primary source of energy) and uses up the fat reserves in the body for energy. It is a good way to lose fat naturally

4. Get the Required Amount of Sleep

Enough sleep is necessary for the body to rest and prepare you for the next morning. We have already mentioned earlier in the article the adverse effects of sleep deprivation. So, do ensure that you get a good night’s rest that includes eight to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep for a healthy and fit body. 

Step 5 – Keep It Off Permanently

permanent weight lose

Once you have shed the extra kilos, you have won half the battle. To win the war against weight gain completely, you need to ensure that you stay in shape forever and don’t gain back those extra kilos that you shed with a lot of hard work. Here is how you can do it.

1. Make the Necessary Lifestyle Changes

Once you have reached your desired weight, there are a few changes you need to make to your lifestyle to ensure that you don’t gain back the weight you just lost. 

So, exercise often and also weigh yourself at regular intervals to keep track of your progress. Thirty to 60 minutes of exercise daily will keep your body and mind healthy and fit. To not go back to the old you, you can also try and challenge yourself with new goals so that your confidence remains high. 

2. Change Your Habits

One of the worst mistakes that one makes after weight loss is resuming old eating habits. Do remember that the old eating habits were the reason behind your weight gain. 

So, do not go back to it. Instead, follow a new and healthy weight loss diet that will help you stay in shape. You can also enroll yourself in healthy cooking classes to get a better idea of what to eat and what not to eat. 

And yes, do not cheat your diet too often because it will lead to weight gain. Also, drink enough water and sleep well. Develop these habits and you will never have to go on a diet again to lose weight!

3. Stay Motivated and Find a Support Buddy

To stay motivated, you could challenge yourself with newer goals now and then. Once again, they should be realistic and attainable. 

Also, do stay in touch with the buddies who supported you during your weight loss journey. They are the best people to comment on your achievements and will help you stay on the right path. You could also become a mentor and help someone else struggling with weight loss to achieve his/her fitness goals. 

To sum up, here are ten weight loss tips to help you lose weight easily.

  • Eat Healthy and Wholesome Food
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Reduce Stress Levels
  • Don’t Skip Meals
  • Stay Hydrated and Drink Enough Water
  • Avoid Binge Eating
  • Control Your Portion Size
  • Set Realistic Goals
  • Be Consistent

Follow 2 A


Now you going to learn what you should avoid and what you need to adopt.

Here is a list

Keep reading..


What do you need to avoid?

  • Refind and simple carbs
  • Processed foods
  • Unhealthy fat
  • Eat-in in front of the TV
  • Group eating
  • Empty nutrient high-calorie drinks
  • Beer and alcohol
  • Night eating
  • Sitting a long time
  • Stress
  • Escalator
  • Restaurant eating
  • Big plate
  • Unnecessary snaking
  • High-calorie foods
  • Eat too fast
  • Talking while eating
  • Fill your kitchen with unhealthy foods
  • Food addiction
  • Fruit juice


What do you need to adopt?

Why You Should Lose Weight

Being fat or obese does not only make you look bad (according to society) but also causes a lot of health hazards in the long term.

Here is some health risk that belongs to overweight and obesity. Listed bellow

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • High Blood Pressure  (Hypertension)
  • Stroke
  • Type-2 Diabetes
  • Abnormal Blood Fats
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrom (OHS)
  • Reproductive Problems
  • Gallstone
  • Gout
  • Non-Alcoholic Liver disease
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Sexual issues
  • Asthma
  • Skin problems
  • Varicose vein

So, to stay healthy, happy, and fit, shedding extra weight is the only option. 


Weight gain is a serious problem not only in the United States but all around the world. If left untreated, it can cause serious medical problems that can be life-threatening. So, the problem must be nipped right at the bud.

To start losing weight fast, one must first determine the reason for the problem and then look forth for a solution. To help the ones suffering from this problem, we have put together this weight loss guide that states the reasons behind weight gain, the ways to lose weight, the problems weight gain can cause in human beings, and why one should never hesitate to lose weight

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